Monday 6 December 2010

Mr Bush Essay

Media Essay- Mr Bush                   Jehpal Jhita

Film Extract- Jurassic Park 3: T rex fight scene vs Spinosaurus

The film sequence that I am going to be describing is a short extract from the Jurassic Park Trilogy. The extract is from the final movie, Jurassic Park 3. The extract consists of a fight scene between the two largest predators in the history of the universe, Tyrannosaurus Rex and Spinosaurus.

The first aspect I shall describe is the use of camera shots and angles. The sequence begins with a close-up of the T-Rex’s face, which is dripping with blood from the carcass it had been feeding off. This connotes that the T-rex is dominant in the jungle, because the carcass that it had been feeding off is also quite large. However, as the humans run away from the T-rex, the T-rex follows them, which eventually leads to the confrontation between the T-rex and the Spinosaurus. As the 2 meet, they both attempt to assert their dominance on one another by roaring at each other. The camera begins on the Spinosaurus and then pans over to the left towards the Tyrannosaurus. The purpose of the pan is to show the distance between the 2 dinosaurs, which was decreasing with time. This foreshadows upcoming events by connoting that a violent scene will follow, due to the dinosaurs attempting to act more dominant than their opponent. The following shot is a cut from the showdown to the battle, where the T-rex bites the Spinosaurus  and pushes him down to the floor, with the T-rex’s teeth still clamped around the neck of the Spinosaurus. The camera uses a closeup of this to make it seem as if the fight is taking place around the audience. The purpose of this is to make the audience seem inferior and connotes that the dinosaurs are dominant.

The next aspect I shall be describing is the use of diegetic and non-diegetic sound. For example, when the two protagonists of the sequence meet, they both produce diegetic sounds in the form of roaring. This connotes that they are both attempting to intimidate their opponent and therefore, claim the title of being the most dominant dinosaur in the jungle. After the next cut, there is a shot of the T-rex nearly stepping on one of the protagonists, at which point, he produces a diegetic sound in the form of a scream. This connotes that he is weak and extremely inferior in comparison to the dominance of the dinosaurs. Throughout the sequence, there was no use of non-diegetic sound.

The next aspect I shall be describing is the setting. The battle takes place on an island called Isla Sorna. More specifically, the battle takes in a clearing that is surrounded by large tree’s and wilderness. The large tree’s also contribute to the lighting aspect, as the large tree’s branches block out the sunlight and therefore, prevents it from reaching the jungle floor, which makes the lighting during the battle rather dark. This can then be linked back to the setting, as darkness and lack of lighting connotes evil and the wilderness creates a sense of suspense.  Therefore, the wilderness setting and the dark lighting connotes that the dinosaurs represent evil and death, which adds to the mystery of being in a jungle. 

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