Sunday 12 December 2010

Twilight: New Moon Analysis Ms Wigley

Twilight: New Moon Analysis

Twilight New Moon is a movie about a love triangle between a human, a vampire and a wolf. However, the complication in this love triangle is that the wolfs hunt the vampires. Therefore, the film is a dramatic love story.

Media Language
The genre of this movie is a dramatic love story. This is due to the fact that it contains a love triangle. Furthermore, the love triangle contains two enemies. This adds to the drama aspect because, the fact that two enemies are involved in the love triangle connotes that there will be violence within the movie. The trailer also contains a fast paced intense soundtrack. The fast paced soundtracks adds to the tension that is in the trailer. This is due to the fact that the soundtrack used is fast paced and intense, which connotes that the film may also be similar. If the film is fast paced and intense, like the soundtrack, this may convince their target audience to watch the film, because their target may audience may be people who enjoy intense dramatic movies. The trailer begins with the use of non-diegetic sound. The non-diegetic sound at the beginning is the voice of one of the protagonists, speaking to one of the other protagonists about their love for one another. The use of the non-diegetic sound used at the beginning of the trailer connotes that the film may mainly focus on that person and their input to the movie. This may influence females to watch the film, as a large number of females find him sexually attractive.

Representation of Gender
The film contains 3 main protagonists, consisting of 1 female and 2 males. The female is called Bella. In the trailer, she is portrayed as being desperately in love with Edward. This is through the use of speech. Edward speaks to Bella and says that they will not see each other anymore, due to the restrictions put over interaction between humans and vampires by the Vultori. She then responds with the argument that she belongs with him, and describes his absence, as a hole being punched through her chest. This represents the female protagonist as being desperate and emotionally weak, which acts as a negative representation of females. Also, often when she looks at Edward, a low angle camera shot is being used, which therefore means that Bella is looking up at Edward, which connotes that, in terms of power, she is inferior to the male protagonist. This also means that the male protagonist is superior to the female and is therefore more powerful, as she looks up at him. The other two male protagonists are both muscular and ripped. This connotes that they are powerful and sexually attractive to females, which is a positive representation of males. The type of representation used for males and females in the trailer has a vast difference. This is due to the fact that the females have a negative representation in comparison to the males having a positive representation. In the trailer, the female protagonist slaps one of the males, which then leads to the male turning into a wolf as an act of aggressions. In the movie, this is then followed with a battle between two males. This connotes that the males are being portrayed as violent and angry. The volturi are construed as being royalty amongst the vampires. They are shown in the trailer as being very strict. This is shown when a female is talking to Bella in the car, and says that she is a human who knows too much about vampires and how the Volturi may kill them all. This connotes that the Voltori, which consists of males only, are very strict. Also, at the end of the trailer, the volturi are shown being violent and beating up Edward, which shows that they are very aggressive.  Another example of how the female protagonist is shown as being desperate, is that she knows that the only way she can see Edward is by putting her life at risk. Knowing this, she then proceeds to put her life at risk by becoming an “adrenaline junkie”, by driving motorbikes and diving off cliffs into water. This connotes that the females are being portrayed as desperate.

Twilight New Moon is a film that is based on a love triangle. Therefore, the genre immediately connotes that the film has been produced to cater for teenage females, as well as other audiences. The fact that the movie is based on the complications of love will appeal to teenagers, because they are the main type of audience that experience love troubles often. However, the use of love being the main storyline also connotes that the film caters to everyone, as love is a part of life, and will more or less happen to everyone. The fact that the male protagonists are both muscular and ripped, and often show off their muscles throughout the trailer connotes that the film may appeal to females of a majority of ages, as females may find the muscles attractive. Due to the vast majority of the cast list being white, this may mean that the film may appeal to a white audience. In terms of social classes, the film may also appeal to D or C2 classes, due to the film containing no big actors/actresses and due to the main plot of the movie being based on love and violence, with the addition of fantasy creatures.

Institutions & Hollywood Values
Despite the usage of CGI, Twilight New Moon contains no famous actors or actresses, which connotes that it may have been a low budget movie, despite the use special effects and its high level of popularity amongst the public. However, the trailer also connotes that the film may be a high budget film, not only due to the usage of special effects. The fact that the trailer shows a variety of different locations also connotes that the film may be high budget. 

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