Tuesday 30 November 2010

4 movie stills- Mr Bush

This image is from Deep Blue Sea. The still shows an image of a man underwater, about to be attacked by a shark. The camera shot used here is a medium shot, because we can see both the man and the shark. However, the camera shot used can also be categorised as a medium close up. This can be because we can clearly see the man and the shark, but not their surroundings. The fact that it is slightly a closeup connotes to the audience that the shark is huge in size and is therefore dominating the scene.

This movie still is from Jurassic Park. It shows a man in a foreign jungle being surrounded by deadly dinosaurs. The camera shot being used here is a medium shot because it shows the man and his surroundings. The medium shot used here is good, because it shows his surroundings, which are the dinosaurs. Becuase the dinosaurs outnumber the man, and they are equally as big in size, this makes them seem dominant and makes the man seem inferior.

The following movie still is from Training Day, and the camera shot being used here can be described as a long shot. This is because we can see the two central protagonists, their surroundings and also we can see what is behind them. The use of the long shot is good because we can see their surrounding, which are the two tramps being left battered on the floor. This makes the two central protagonists seem superior.

The image shown here is a still from the movie Bad Boys. The shot being used here is a closeup because we are wanted to focus mainly on the two central protagonists and their facial expressions. The use of the closeup is good because we can see that they are both under stress and some sort of adrenalin rush because of their facial expressions. We can also see that they are both covered in dust and their surroundings are falling apart, which connotes the fact that they are both in battle.

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