Wednesday 15 December 2010

self evaluation- mr bush


Attainment- 2  becuase I feel that I am not achieving my best when writing out my essays. I have the knowledge of the trailer and I can effectively analyse the trailer. However, sometimes my structure is not correct.
Effort- 3 because recently we have been given 3 coursework deadlines. However, I still allow sufficient time to get homework completed. Class work is completed on time 99% of the time
Punctuality- 2 because im hardly ever late to lesson. However, I have missed a few lessons due to illness
Submission and quality of homework- 3 because I complete most of my homework to a good standard. In some instances I forget about parts of the homework because I don’t always write it down.
Ability to work Independently- 1 because I feel like I can work very well independently. I understand each task given to us and can complete it to a good standard.
Quality of Writing- 2 because my overall writing ability is of a very high standard, due to me having good English skills. However, sometimes my essay are incorrectly structured
Organisation of Blog- 1 because my blog is well organised, with each post saying which teacher it is for.
Oral contributions in class- 1 because i often make contributions to the class that are relevant to the topic and are often helpful. 

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