Monday 1 November 2010

Ms Wigley cover work

Media Texts are Profit Motivated
This could suggest that the people/companies who produce media texts, such as advertisements are misleading their target audience. This is because they make the product seem as if it is the best product available out of that brand, however, we have no idea if that is true. They appear to be promoting the product. However, they may just be promoting the product just so that the advertisement looks good, which in turn, makes the company look good. If the advertisement promotes the product well, and people begin to buy the product in question, simply due to the quality of the advertisement, other companies may also want to use that advertising company to promote their products/services. If more companies hire an advertising company to promote their product, that Advertisement Company would in turn make a profit.

Media Companies & Power
Sometimes, media texts are used as propaganda, otherwise known as misleading information. Some media companies produce advertisements, which make a product seem better than it is. This can influence the people who see the advertisement to buy the product without actually researching into it. These products will cost the viewers some amount of money. Therefore, they are having a financial influence on the public. The government also control some of the media content that we viewers see. As the media is now linked to the government, this shows a rise in power, as the government control the nation, and they now control the media we consume.
Another example of the Media and power is the war in Iraq. Any news regarding a world war, which is taking place in a different continent, is fed to the media consumers in the UK via media. The media are in control of what content we receive, regarding the happenings of events halfway across the world.

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